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Exploring the Most Exciting Elden Ring DLC 3 Theories


It’s not a true FromSoftware RPG without the Elden Ring DLC pre-launch phase where fans analyze every tiny piece of information they can find. Over the past 10 months, Elden Ring DLC fans have been closely examining the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC announcement artwork, hoping to discover clues about what awaits them in the upcoming release.

The vast image shows golden wheat fields under a darkened sky. Ghostly gravestones cover the grass in the foreground, and there’s a figure riding what appears to be Torrent, our loyal horse. In the distance, the silhouette of a twisted tree stands, dripping golden sap.

While it might seem minimal for a teaser, the artwork suggests that we could finally get answers to the lingering questions Elden Ring DLC leaves behind after completing the game.

Caution: Spoilers for Elden Ring ahead!

  1. The lady on the horse is probably Miquella, the sibling of Malenia, Elden Ring’s toughest boss.
  2. The location appears to be The Lands Between, the same as in the main game, but the exact time and place are unknown.
  3. The ethereal gravestones resemble various trees, animals, and structures seen in the game’s latter part.
  4. The tree might be a variation of the large golden Erdtree or the Haligtree encountered later in the game, or it could depict two trees engaging in a struggle.

Elden Ring’s Next Big Chapter: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

After Elden Ring DLC secured the Game of the Year title at the GOTY Awards, Miyazaki expressed, “As for Elden Ring, we have several more things we want to do.”

Now, the upcoming DLC, known as Shadow of the Erdtree, is expected to extend the game’s narrative or introduce a substantial new questline.

Data miner Lance McDonald indicates that Shadow of the Erdtree will be a substantial expansion, approximately the size of two separate DLC packs. This aligns its scale with Bloodborne’s sole DLC, The Old Hunters, which not only significantly altered the game’s dynamics but also introduced a sizable new area, bosses, and story content.

Lance McDonald further reveals that a previously planned Season Pass for Elden Ring DLC, featuring multiple smaller DLC packs, was abandoned in favor of prioritizing Shadow of the Erdtree.

If Lance’s information holds, it suggests that Shadow of the Erdtree might stand as the primary Elden Ring DLC, excluding the Colosseum update. The substantial development time lends credibility to this possibility.

In a 2023 interview with the Japanese news outlet Game Watch, FromSoftware’s Yasuhiro Kitao drew parallels between Shadow of the Erdtree and Bloodborne’s The Old Hunters DLC. This comparison holds weight since Bloodborne had only one DLC, but it was expansive, altering the core game by introducing new side quests, NPCs, and more.

If Shadow of the Erdtree mirrors The Old Hunters in scope, players can anticipate an expansion that significantly impacts or augments the existing game.

Elden Ring’s Future: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC and Beyond

Is there a release date for the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC?

Apart from minor updates, the first major paid expansion Elden Ring DLC, named Shadow of the Erdtree, is in the pipeline. However, an official release window has not been confirmed by FromSoftware yet.

Shadow of the Erdtree surfaced on February 28, 2023, with a tweet announcing the development of Elden Ring DLC. Despite commencing development shortly after the base game’s release, some outlets initially speculated that the expansion was an entirely new project.

Recently, the game’s Steam page received its first update since launch, hinting at preparations for the eventual or imminent release of Shadow of the Erdtree. While the exact timeline remains uncertain, the update suggests that FromSoft is gearing up for the expansion’s launch.

Regarding Elden Ring DLC rumors & leaks:

  1. Thrustmaster Rumor: A leak on Reddit suggests that Shadow of the Erd Tree will be released in February 2024 through a partnership between Bandai Namco and Thrustmaster, accompanied by a new controller. However, this leak is considered unlikely, and caution is advised.
  2. New Bosses Leak: Leaker Sekirodubi discovered clues in Elden Ring’s patches, indicating potential upcoming content. The update references new items, hairstyles, and up to 30 new bosses, along with 16 new/NPC or enemy characters labeled “Someone Yet Unseen.”
  3. Elden Dreams: Data miner Lance McDonald uncovered cut content indicating the exploration of NPCs’ dreams. The removed content involved an NPC named Monk Jiko and a quest related to Dream Mist, presenting creative possibilities and potential DLC material.
  4. Extended Endings: Previous Bandai Namco games with FromSoftware, such as the Dark Souls series, featured DLC that extended the base game’s ending without altering existing endings. Elden Ring DLC might similarly impact the game’s various endings or the world.
  5. Elden Ring DLC Bosses: Despite hunting down every Shardbearer, Miquella the Unalloyed, the most powerful demigod, escapes confrontation. Miquella, Malenia’s twin brother, has the potential as a significant antagonist in Elden Ring DLC, given his growing power and personal vendetta against the Tarnished.

As Elden Ring fans await official announcements, these speculations offer intriguing possibilities for the game’s expansion and future developments.

Elden Ring DLC Theories Explored: What Could Await Us?

Elden Ring DLC Theories ventsmagazines.co.uk

Theory #1: Time Travel, Baby

FromSoftware is no stranger to time travel in their games, with Dark Souls and Sekiro featuring temporal elements. Elden Ring’s DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, might continue this trend.

The artwork reveals differences in The Lands Between, hinting at a shifted landscape over time. Reddit user AnonymouseMurphy speculates that it could depict the frozen Consecrated Snowfield before the game’s events, with the tree representing Miquella’s Erdtree variant, Haligree, at its demise.

Another interpretation suggests two twisted trees, symbolizing the aftermath of the demigod Godwyn’s death and the Erdtree’s weakened state, creating an opportunity for a rival tree’s dominance.

Theory #2: The Last Demigod

The depicted character is speculated to be Miquella, the young demigod whose story remains unresolved. Elden Ring’s sleep-inducing items tie to Miquella’s identity as St. Trina.

The theory proposes a journey into Miquella’s dream world, potentially aiding in the Erdtree’s demise. However, Miquella may harbor resentment for the Tarnished due to their actions against his family, leading to a possible unexpected twist.

Theory #3: Road Trip to the Afterlife

An intriguing theory suggests the Erdtree is based on oak trees, while FromSoft associates the afterlife with pine trees, as seen in the Mountaintops of the Giants. The DLC could explore the afterlife with a central black tree.

This aligns with the notion that spirits in the Elden Ring DLC are drawn to the afterlife through tree-shaped weapons. The afterlife might be depicted as a ghost flame sea with Helphen in place of the Eritrea.

FromSoft’s DLCs often take unexpected turns, offering new perspectives or glimpses into unexplored lore. A journey to the afterlife could provide a unique conclusion to Elden Ring’s narrative, given its thematic focus on death and immortality.

As fans eagerly anticipate official announcements, these theories offer exciting possibilities for the expansion’s narrative and the future of Elden Ring DLC.


The anticipation surrounding Elden Ring DLC, “Shadow of the Erdtree,” has fueled a plethora of intriguing theories among fans. From the prospect of time travel shaping the game’s landscape to the unresolved tale of Miquella, the last demigod, and the exciting notion of a road trip to the afterlife, the possibilities are as diverse as they are captivating.

As we await official confirmation and details from FromSoftware, these theories showcase the creativity and speculation within the Elden Ring community. Whatever the DLC brings, it is clear that players can expect the unexpected twists and rich storytelling that FromSoftware is renowned for in its expansive and immersive game worlds.

In the world of Elden Ring DLC, where mysteries abound and lore is deeply layered, the journey into the shadow of the Erdtree promises to be a thrilling exploration of new realms, complex characters, and the ever-evolving narrative that has captivated players since the game’s initial release. As fans continue to dissect clues and speculate on the DLC’s content, one thing is certain: the Elden Ring DLC saga is far from over, and the shadow of the Erdtree holds the key to the next chapter in this epic adventure.


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