Asphalt Pavements and pavements are very durable surfaces. However, cracks, potholes, and sinking parts are some of the major problems. Also, most of these problems are common to see on all types of driveways. As they put on more years, the surfaces may start to crumble. There can be many reasons for this. High-quality paving installations are designed to last more than two decades.
However, proper maintenance is required to make these surfaces last this long. Home and property owners need to guarantee proper maintenance including cleaning, repairs, and preemptive measures. Some basic maintenance can be provided by the property owners. However, professional repairs and maintenance will be a professional’s job. Here’s what you need to know:
Regular Cleaning
Falling leaves, plastic waste, tire rubber, and whatnot can make asphalt driveways look filthy. In addition, these unwanted foreign materials can block the water runoffs. This makes rainwater and melting snow water stay on the pavement for much longer. So, make sure to:
- Remove Debris: Use a broom or a litter picker to remove all the debris on your Asphalt Pavements. A high-pressure washer can be a good idea as well.
- Remove Stains: Most stains on asphalt pavements can be removed easily with high-pressure washing. Some hardy stains will require more work and effort.
- Unclog Water Runoffs: After heavy rain or washing the driveway, make sure to unclog the water runoffs. These will eliminate excess water from the pavement.
- Check Regularly: Pay frequent visits to your asphalt pavements. Check for loose debris or anything that might cause stains. Keep mulch and firewood away from the surface.
Prompt Crack Filling
Crack formation is common for asphalt driveways and pavements. Heavy vehicle load, regular use, excess rainwater, melting snow, and harsh summer can all cause cracks in Asphalt Pavements. However, the real problem emerges as you leave the cracks alone without worrying about filling them up quickly. here’s what you need to do to fill the pavement cracks up:
- Clean the Area: Use a wire brush or air compressor to clean the affected area. This is required to ensure proper adhesion of the underlayers. Clean the cracked area even when not filling.
- Choose the Right Filler: Depending on the composition of the Asphalt Pavements, climate, and the soil underneath, the filler material needs to be prepared correctly. Use the right material.
- Apply the Filler: Pour the filler directly into the crack. It must reach the inner parts of the crack filling it up completely. Also, a caulking gun can be used as well. Then, use a putty knife to even out the filler and allow it to cure fully.
- Seal the Crack: The use of a sealant is highly recommended once the filling has been done. The sealant helps keep the water out guaranteeing longer of your repair. Usually, professional crack filling can also be required.
Quick Pothole Repair
There are many reasons for potholes formation on asphalt pavements and driveways. Water infiltration, freeze-thaw cycles, or heavy traffic can be the reasons behind this more severe damage. Leaving potholes unchecked with further the problem and extend the damage. Also, these can be trip hazards and cause problems with vehicle tire health. To repair potholes:
- Clean the Area: Use a broom, shovel, or air compressor to remove any loose debris from the pothole. Also, remove any vegetation in the area. You want proper adhesion and cleaning the area before starting the treatment is important.
- Prepare the Pothole: Create a uniform space like a square or a circle using a chisel or any other tool available. This will provide the adhesive a much better chance to set in properly.
- Choose the Right Repair Material: Potholes are repaired with hot or cold mix Asphalt Pavements. This patching material needs to be prepared correctly depending on the formation of the pavement. Use durable, easy-to-work materials.
- Fill the Pothole: Simply, pour the repair material right into the pothole. Also, it is a good idea to slightly overfill the area. This will compensate for any compression. Finally, compact the surface with a temper or a roller making it level with the edges.
- Seal the Repair: Applying a sealant is always a good idea. This will not let the pothole extend out any time soon prolonging the life of the pavement.
Preemptive Measures to Prevent Sinking
Floods, the ground below movements, earthquakes, and many other factors can cause pavement sinking. This is a very serious issue that can become a hazard as well. However, some efficient preemptive measures can help minimize the sinking of asphalt pavements. Quality driveway companies will provide preemptive measures information after the installation.
- Proper Installation: Correct installation from an experienced contractor is necessary. Make sure there is a proper base with the required compaction during the installation process.
- Regular Inspections: If pavement sinking is a problem in your area, make sure to conduct regular inspections and checks. Keep an eye out for any signs of sinking.
- Drainage Maintenance: Most of the driveway sinking problems that are not caused by natural disasters, have to do with water settlement on the surface. So, make sure drainage and water runoffs are properly cleaned and maintained.
- Traffic Management: Where possible, make sure to park heavy vehicles at different parts of the driveway. Commercial pavements are more likely to sink due to heavy loads.
Cracks, potholes, and sinking have plagued asphalt pavements for as long as they have been around. Regular seal coating is a good way to keep cracks and potholes away for much longer. It binds up the surface without letting rock chunks come out. Also, seal coating provides a much better aesthetic for any asphalt pavement as well. Additionally, look for professional maintenance and repairs when you don’t have the skills, time, or tools for the job.