onfido bipa settlement scam ventsmagazines.co.uk

Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam: 5 Best Settlement Benefits


It’s really important to know Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam happened because of this fake plan. The scam targets people, trying to trick and steal personal information through a fake website that looks like the real Onfido Bipa Settlement site.

They use fake things to make it seem real, fooling people into giving away sensitive details. It’s important to avoid being tricked by these kinds of fake plans.

Onfido BIPA Settlement: Important Information

The Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam is not a scam. If you got an email telling you about being part of a class action Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam, make sure to visit. This website is real and lets you submit a claim.

If you’re in Illinois and you uploaded a photo or video of yourself along with a photo ID to a mobile app or website for identity verification by Onfido, Inc. between June 12, 2015, and May 5, 2023, you might be eligible to get a payment from this class action Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam.

The Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam:

What You Should Know? Understanding this fake plan is important. The scam tricks people, trying to cheat and steal personal details by using a fake website that looks like the real Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam site. They use fake things to make it seem real and trick people into giving important information.

Figuring Out the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam Website

The scam website is a tricky place made to fool people into giving away personal and money details. It looks like the real Onfido website but it’s not. It talks about an Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam fund for people who had their data stolen. They make up stories and fake successes to make it seem real.

How Does the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam Website Work?

The scam website lies to visitors, pretending to be a real place where people can get money from the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam. They promise big money, but after people give their info and pay a fee, they get nothing.

How Does the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam Website Work?ventsmagazines.co.uk

Protecting Yourself From the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam

It’s really important to stay alert. Check if websites asking for personal info and money are real. Look out for signs like bad website design and weird contact info. Don’t click on links or open things from emails you didn’t ask for.

Taking Action Against the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam

If you get tricked, tell the police, tell your bank, and make your security stronger. Change passwords and use two-factor authentication. Be careful of strange emails or calls asking for personal info.

Breaking News: Federal Judge in Illinois Confirms BIPA Covers Data from Photographs

Landmark Ruling: BIPA Covers Biometric Data from Photographs

In a significant ruling, the court denied a motion to dismiss in the case of Sosa v. Onfido, Inc. The judge determined that Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) applies to information obtained from photographs, considering it as a “biometric identifier” under the law.

Background: OfferUp and Onfido Partnership

Plaintiff Sosa was an OfferUp user, a platform for online buying and selling. Sosa alleged that OfferUp collaborated with Onfido to verify users’ identities. This process involved users submitting their IDs and photos, which Onfido scanned to extract biometric data for identity confirmation. Sosa sued, claiming Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam violations.

Court’s Analysis: Biometric Identifier Status

The court examined BIPA’s definitions of “biometric information” and “biometric identifier.” Although data from photographs isn’t explicitly covered by BIPA, the court found it qualified as a biometric identifier. Onfido’s software created unique “faceprints” from scanned IDs and photos, meeting the criteria for a biometric identifier under BIPA.

Legal Arguments Addressed

The court rejected Onfido’s arguments. It allowed Sosa to pursue liquidated damages, stating they’re a remedy, not a separate claim. Onfido claimed Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam violated the First Amendment, but the court disagreed. Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam regulates conduct, not speech, and even if it did, it passed strict scrutiny as a content-based restriction.

Impact and Future Cases

This ruling sets a precedent for biometric privacy cases. CPW will continue to provide updates on similar legal developments.

Judge says face pictures are biometric markers in Onfido lawsuit

A U.S. judge said no to Onfido’s request to drop a lawsuit over its use of face biometrics, as argued by one person. The judge’s decision, reported by Law360, says Onfido can’t say the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam doesn’t cover biometric data from photos.

In 2020, Freddy Sosa complained that Onfido used his face without his permission, breaking BIPA. Onfido wanted to end the case, saying Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam doesn’t protect data from photos; Sosa didn’t show Onfido broke Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam on purpose; and Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam breaks free speech rights.

But the judge disagreed. While Onfido doesn’t get “biometric data” under BIPA, it does get “biometric markers” from photos, breaking the privacy law. The judge also said Sosa did enough to show Onfido might have broken the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam on purpose. And Onfido Bipa Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam doesn’t break free speech rules, the judge said. Even if it did, it would be okay.

Google to give $100 million in agreement

The big tech company Google plans to end lawsuits filed by five people in Illinois over claims of breaking Illinois’ biometric privacy law. They will pay $100 million to residents of the state, as said by the Chicago Tribune.

The problem started when Google was accused of breaking the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). This happened because of its face grouping tool on the Google Photos app. The tool organizes faces by how similar they look. The law says companies need users’ permission before using this kind of technology, among other rules.

The first lawsuit was filed in a federal court in March 2016. Two others were filed in state courts in 2019. The last two were filed after.

If the final order is given, people from Illinois who appeared in Google Photos between May 1, 2015, and when the agreement was first approved may get $200 to $400. This is what attorneys say. The five people who filed the lawsuits may get $5,000 each.

A Google spokesperson says Google Photo users in Illinois will soon be asked if they want to let Google group their faces together. This will happen in the next few weeks. The same thing will happen all over the U.S., the spokesperson says.

The Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam will be finally approved in September, according to the Tribune.

This lawsuit against Google follows Facebook’s $650 million agreement. Around 1.6 million Facebook users in Illinois will soon get a $397 check because of Facebook’s breaking of biometric data privacy rules.

  • Fraud Database Service Providers

  • You agree that (i) the Services send identity documents to a Fraud Database Service Provider; (ii) the Provider may keep suspected fraudulent documents to prevent future fraud, and (iii) certain clauses in the agreement won’t apply to Processing by a Fraud Database Service Provider. You can stop these Services anytime by telling Onfido.
  • Charges

  • You must pay each invoice from Onfido in full within 30 days. You can’t hold back payment for any reason.
  • Termination

  •  Either party can end this Agreement immediately if: (a) the other party doesn’t pay on time; (b) there’s a serious breach that isn’t fixed; (c) the other party goes bankrupt or can’t fulfill its duties; (d) certain events in Clause 3 happen; (e) required by law. If you end because of Onfido’s serious breach, you’ll get a refund. If Onfido ends because of your serious breach, you still have to pay until the end of the payment period.

Onfido’s Biometric Identification Software

Onfido offers software for biometric identification, which is used by its clients in their products and mobile apps to confirm users’ identities. One of its partnerships was with OfferUp, an online marketplace. They used Onfido’s technology, particularly the TruYou feature, to verify users’ identities.

Onfido's Biometric Identification Software ventsmagazines.co.uk

Fredy Sosa’s Experience

Fredy Sosa used OfferUp’s TruYou feature, powered by Onfido’s technology, to verify his identity. As part of this process, Sosa uploaded photos of his driver’s license and his face. Sosa claims that Onfido then used biometric technology without his permission to extract his biometric data and compare the photos.

Legal Action

Sosa filed a class action lawsuit against Onfido under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). Initially filed in Illinois state court, the case was moved to federal court by Onfido. Onfido requested a stay and wanted to enforce individual arbitration based on an arbitration clause in OfferUp’s Terms of Service.

Limitations and Provisions in the Terms of Service

The contract sets limits on Sosa’s use of the TruYou feature. It also bans users from sharing content that could cause harm or liability to OfferUp or others. Additionally, it allows OfferUp to share users’ info with third-party service providers. The agreement reduces liability for OfferUp and its affiliates, as defined in the agreement.

Disclaimer of Control Over Third-Party Content

OfferUp’s Terms of Service state that OfferUp doesn’t control or endorse third-party content. Users may interact with content provided by third parties, but OfferUp doesn’t take responsibility for it. The agreement also clarifies that it doesn’t give third parties the right to take legal action.

Onfido’s Motion to Compel Arbitration

Onfido argued it could enforce the Terms of Service in three ways: as a third-party beneficiary, through an agency relationship with OfferUp, or equitable estoppel. While it mentioned both Washington and Illinois law, it claimed victory under both without explaining any differences in how the laws apply.

Lawsuit Overview

Defendant Onfido offers identity verification software to various apps and websites. This software uses facial recognition to help confirm users’ identities. Users upload a current photo or video of themselves along with a photo ID. Onfido’s software then compares the two faces for a match.

The lawsuit claims that Onfido collected scans of users’ facial features without following the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). This law requires private companies to inform individuals and obtain written consent before collecting or using their biometric data. Plaintiffs argue that users in Illinois who used Onfido’s facial recognition software were unaware of this data collection and did not give proper consent. Onfido denies these claims and denies violating BIPA.

Settlement Class Inclusion

You’re part of the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam Class if, while in Illinois, you uploaded a photo or video of yourself and a photo ID to any app, software, or website using Onfido’s services between June 12, 2015, and May 5, 2023. If you received a notice about the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam, you’re likely included. Visit the Submit Claim page and enter your last name and Claim ID to confirm your class.

Certain individuals are not part of the Settlement Class, including those who previously agreed in writing to Onfido to collect their biometric data before it was collected, as well as specifically excluded parties outlined in the terms.

Settlement Benefits

1. Cash Payments

If you qualify, you can claim cash payments from the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam. The amount you receive depends on whether you belong to the Financial Institution Class or the Non-Financial Institution Class. Financial Institution Class Members may get between $65 and $110, while Non-Financial Institution Class Members may get between $210 and $350. These amounts could vary based on the number of valid claims.

2. Distribution of Funds

The cash payments come from two separate funds created by Onfido: one for Financial Institution Class Members and another for Non-Financial Institution Class Members. After deducting Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam expenses, attorney fees, and any awards for Class Representatives, each class member’s share will be a pro rata portion of these funds. Payments will be made over three years in installments.

3. Non-Monetary Relief

As part of the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam, Onfido has agreed to implement certain measures. They will provide customers with a written consent form for facial recognition and identity verification. Users in Illinois must agree to this form before any verification is done. Onfido will also create and share a retention and deletion policy for biometric data, ensuring transparency and user privacy.

4. Electronic Payments

If the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam is approved, Class Members with approved claims will receive their payments through electronic methods like Venmo, PayPal, or Zelle. These payments will be distributed in four installments over three years, as illustrated in the chart below.

5. Check Payments

Class Members who choose to receive paper checks will get their payments in two installments over three years. If you opt for paper checks, you must inform the Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam Administrator of any address changes before the second installment payment date. See the chart below for more details on the timing of check payments.


In closing, it’s really important to keep yourself updated, check if things are true, and do what you can to stay safe from the  Onfido Bipa Settlement Scam. When you let people know about it, you’re helping to stop others from getting tricked by these sneaky plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Background of Onfido and BIPA Settlement

The history involves legal issues and controversies about scam websites and deceptive practices, which have raised concerns among consumers and authorities.

2. Mimicking the Official Onfido Website

Scammers replicated the official Onfido website using deceptive methods and advanced design skills to make it look real.

3. Legal Actions Against Scammers

Yes, authorities are taking legal action against those responsible for the scam websites as they crack down on fraudulent activities.

4. Preventive Measures to Avoid Scams

Be cautious online, watch out for suspicious offers, safeguard personal information, and report potential scams to the appropriate authorities.

5. Reporting Scams to Authorities

Yes, it’s important to report scam websites to relevant authorities or organizations to help prevent others from becoming victims of this fraudulent scheme.


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